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Tìm từ khoá claim
Tổng cộng 7 kết quả được tìm thấy. Tìm claim với Google

Kết quả 1 - 7 / 7
1. Welcome to Oris
...f ocean-going vessels, barges and cargoes of all varieties, transit and mysterious losses and fraudulent claims, cargo claims adjustment and settlement of cargo and liability claims in accordance with...

2. Property & Machinery Survey
    Damage survey Risk assessment The nature, extent and cause Establishing a claim. Measure of indemnity Proposal-Exclusions- Depreciation

3. Marine Survey
...cipals: Determining the nature of damage or loss Determining the nature, extent and cause Establishing a claim. Negotiating settlements Mitigation of the loss Survey and investigation The cause of ca...

4. Introduction:
...or bank loans. In addition, we offer investigative services into admiralty, fire, casualty and liability claims. We hope to bring all satisfactions to you with every effort and best services. Your att...

5. Giám định máy móc
(Surveying/Surveying - Vietnamese)

6. Giám định hàng hải
(Surveying/Surveying - Vietnamese)

7. Giới thiệu
(AboutUs/About - Vietnamese)

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